QEPrize delivers just the right medicine

“One of the reasons that the QEPrize was founded was to make clear the contribution of engineering to everybody’s lives… He[Dr Robert Langer], as an engineer, developed an engineering solution to a medical problem.” So says Professor Brian Cox who was one of the judges for the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering.
Chemical Engineer, Dr Robert Langer, of MIT, USA, has changed the lives of millions by inventing methods of drug delivery on a molecular scale. His pioneering work has garnered over 1000 issued and pending patents, over 200 major prizes to his name, and he is the most cited engineer in history (Science, 2014). His work has been recognised by winning the prestigious QE Prize - a global £1 million prize that celebrates the engineers responsible for a ground-breaking innovation that has been of global benefit to humanity.

“Improving the lives of others: I consider that to be the most important quality of an engineer.”
QEPrize Judge, Professor Calestous Juma, Director of the Science, Technology and Globalisation Project, Harvard University
For more information - www.qeprize.org/