Inventing for the disabled? Your chance to win support - with a top prize of £50,000!
It’s not often that I can recommend an initiative from Nesta – the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. I was one of the first trustees of Nesta and it breaks my heart to see how far away from its original aims and objectives it has moved, but that’s another story. In this case, the newly announced Inclusive Technology Prize can’t be sniffed at.
Inventing for the disabled poses many challenges. Not least of which is the problem of seeing any sort of commercial return. Your market is limited – sometimes involving bespoke inventions for the benefit of only one person. However, it is a noble cause and this competition can only help.
The challenge statement is as follows: ”We are looking for innovation in products, technologies and systems that enable disabled people, their families, friends and carers equal access to life’s opportunities. Innovations must involve co-creation with disabled people and can relate to any aspect of life including, but not limited to, education, home, leisure, transport and work.”
The Inclusive Technology Prize has a number of stages and offers a range of financial support and professional guidance for selected ideas. A final prize contract of £50,000 will be made to the entry that demonstrates the most significant impact within the challenge time frame, based on the judging criteria.
Full details can be found at:
The deadline for entries is Friday 16th January 2015 and, because the prize is partly Government funded, is open to UK residents only.