Old friend is Our Pal! - David Wardell
I'm delighted to announce that Our Pal Asija has joined the team here at Inventricity.com Pal and I have known each other for more years than either of us care to remember. We first met on the invention show circuit and Pal became the North American correspondant for Inventors World magazine. Readers of Inventors World will fondly remember his 'Personal Pot-pourri of News and Views' known as 'Beyond the Pond'. Pal will be bringing us regular updates from the USA in his own inimitible, eclectic, style. Here is a sample:

WIPO Day by Our Pal Asija
It is so nice – WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva Switzerland – has dedicated my birthday as the WIPO Day.
Alternatively it is equally remarkable that my parents could foresee the future and select the timing so perfectly. Either way it is a miracle and I am so flattered and thankful to WIPO and indeed the United Nations.
Is there a cause & effect relationship between the two? I was born long before WIPO. Therefore WIPO day did not cause my birth. On the other hand my birth though preceding WIPO day did not cause the WIPO day. The relationship between the two, if any is coincidental.
Watch this space!