Our Pal Asija

B.Sc., Grad IERE (Lond), P.G.D. (Wales), MBA, PE, CDP, JD
Shelton, CT. USA
E-Mail: Pal@Ourpal.com http://www.ourpal.com
S. Pal Asija, was born in India, educated in England and became a U.S. Citizen in 1972. He has 4 graduate degrees, is a registered professional engineer and is admitted to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court. He is an inventor as well as a patent attorney.
Our Pal has authored 4 books, obtained 4 federal trademarks, patented 6 inventions, published over 50 articles and has made over 100 group presentations. His numerous accomplishments appear in over 100 international press and TV reports. He uses proprietary audio-visual and audience participation techniques in all his presentations.
He is a founding member of several inventors’ Organizations. He has won numerous awards for inventing and public speaking in USA as well abroad. He is featured in 5 books not authored by him. He handled the In-line skates trademark litigation "Rollerblade Inc. v/s Turbo Blade Inc."
Dr. S Pal Asija is listed in Who's Who in the World and in 1990 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame for Engineering Science and Technology for inventing & successfully prosecuting the first software patent.
ASIJA is a frequently invited speaker and consultant on innovation and patent matters worldwide. He was a founding SYSOP (System Operator) of CompuServe’s forum on Ideas and Inventions in charge of Laws and Protection section. He is serving on the boards of directors of several organizations. He is an inventor coach as well as on-line faculty.
He is a European Roving Reporter for Inventors Digest of USA, the North American International Correspondent for Inventors World of UK as well as a regular contributor to such publications as Business Developments of New Zealand, Dream Merchant of California and IndustryScoop of Cyberspace.
4 graduate degrees. 20 years experience in systems engineering, telecommunications, aerospace, technology transfer, management and patents, trademarks and copyrights. A creative results oriented entrepreneur with 6 patents, 4 trademarks, 4 books, 50 articles and over 100 group presentations. Knowledge of German language. Listed in Who's Who in the World. Obtained the first software patent ever. Inducted into the Hall of Fame for Engineering Science & Technology.
Doctor of Jurisprudence NKU/Salmon P. Chase 1974
MBA University of Dayton, Ohio 1970
Post Graduate Diploma University of Wales, Cardiff, UK 1967
Graduate Institute of Electronic & Radio Engineers. (London) 1964
B.Sc.(3 Yrs) S.D.College/Punjab University, India 1961
04/88 – Present. Private Practice of Law and Engineering with special emphasis on information technology and intellectual property. (Part time practice started in 1974)
02/85 - 03/88. Consultant and Avionics Systems Integration Engineer. Sikorsky Aircraft Stratford, Conn. Designed and developed avionics integration plan for the SHADOW (Sikorsky Advanced Demonstrator of Operator Workload) project in support of the US Army's LHX/SCAT (Light Helicopter Experimental for hybrid SCout/ATtack missions) program and authored Symphony macros for the 24 minute proposal system.
10/80 - Ol/85. Senior Member Technical Staff. ITT Shelton, Connecticut & Stuttgart, Germany. Solved system wide clock problem in successful transfer of 3 modules of distributed processing PBX technology (using Intel 8086 chips) from R & D in USA to manufacturing in Europe.
1965 - 1980. English Electric of England, University of Notre Dame, AT&T NCR, Dayton Police Department, State of Minnesota, Sperry Univac, & E Systems.
* Invented & prosecuted the first Software patent ever (4,270,182).
* Helped over 100 clients resolve civil, criminal, intellectual property and computer law issues and gained extensive court room experience.
* Over 25 years patent prosecution and other intellectual property experience (Patent Office Registration Number 27,113)
* Developed and conducted seminars for lawyers on 'How to Protect Computer Programs' and related computer law issues.
* Candidate for the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1976.
* Law school editorial and moot court experience.
* Managed as the executive director a multi-million dollar Minnesota Crime Information System supporting 3 computers, 15 professionals and a 31 member policy & review board.
* Managed as program manager Orange County Transit District's Mobile Digital Communication system for 'DIAL-A-RIDE' vehicles.
* Supervised and guided the work of S technicians in the electronics shop of the Atomic Energy Commission's radiation lab at the University of Notre Dame.
* Developed and conducted training programs and seminars on interaction between technology and the criminal justice for Dayton Police Command.
* Managed the Encoder-Reader project by coordinating the work of analog, mechanical and optics experts.
* Able Toastmaster Number 772 in 1971.
* Designed developed and implemented a microphone inhibit strategy for Orange County Transit District's Mobile digital Communication System for Dial-A-Ride vehicles to eliminate unwanted interruptions.
* Developed and implemented a fail-soft/fail-safe strategy to automatically reconfigure out defective equipment in the German and Korean air traffic control systems.
* Networked city, county and state criminal justice computers CDC Cyber 72-16, Univac 418-III and IBM 370-158 respectively and developed and implemented the nation's first computerized police reporting system.
* Invented, the first postal bar code reader (U S Patent 3,796,862)
* Invented, patented, prototyped and used a robot to debate 'LIVE' with a human being in real time ( U S Patent 4,107,462)
* Invented SWIFT-ANSWER natural language fault tolerant interface, the first software patent ever (4,270,182)
* Developed encoding/decoding logic for thermal printers for U S Army & Navy
* Developed new methodology for logic design (IEEE Spectrum Dec. 68)
* Designed Thyrister Misfire Detector for Pakistan Railways using integrated circuits in its logic design in 1967.
* Computer friendly in both MAC & IBM environments.

David Wardell & Pal at INPEX, Pittsburgh, USA
Pal at the British Invention Show
David Wardell, L. Ellen Yarnell, Martin Berger and S. Pal Asija at INPEX